Story of

Sattva Organic

Sattva, Pure & Healthy!

Healthy food is an integral part of the Indian lifestyle. Indian females always aspire to give their families the best possible food. They consider food as medicine and essential to good health. Inspired by these basic Indian values Smt. Deepali Rahul More, Smt. Manali Yogesh Jagtap, and Smt. Sonali Vijay Jagtap brought forth the establishment of The Sattva Organic. Having their own farm made this journey more possible.

Sattva Organic is established with a vision to offer organic produce to promote Three Way Health,

Health in people: Organic produce devoid of chemicals promotes health and wellness in people

Soil Health: No use of pesticides and other chemicals while farming maintains soil health and keeps it fertile for generations to come

Financial Health of farmers through better wages: As we deal directly with farmers, the profits are shared directly with them

The Sattva Family

Smt. Deepali Rahul More

A professional chef, Smt. Deepali Rahul More contributes as a food expert to the team. A graduate of Le Cordon Bleu, Paris, one of the renowned names in culinary art around the world, she is a proud owner of La Patisserie 20, a French pastry boutique located in the city of Vadodara. Her ability to understand food, its quality, the importance of organic products, their nutrition value, and enhanced taste, makes her a valuable asset to the team.

Smt. Manali Yogesh Jagtap

She is a housewife who is passionate about food and ensures that her family consumes good and healthy food, always. Her passion transformed into the development of Sattva with a desire to offer healthy produce to people beyond her family.

Smt. Sonali Vijay Jagtap

She follows a healthy lifestyle. She is particular about her food, yoga, and her daily routine. She believes ‘A healthy lifestyle is a cure to all diseases’. Her belief manifests in the form of healthy food for her family and as Sattva Products.

Shri Yogesh Jagtap

He is the business expert of the team. He, being a serial entrepreneur, brings his wisdom and expertise to Sattva Organics. He is passionate about the work he takes up and brings enthusiasm and vitality to the team.

Shri Harshad Jadhav

He is the ‘Ground Guy’ of Sattva. He is the bridge between farmers and Sattva Organic. His passion, soft skills, and instinctive capability work wonders while interacting with the farmers. He works with farmers of small land banks; educating them about the benefits of organic cultivation he encourages them to produce organically.

Our Farmers

The team’s most important asset are the farmers. They are life and soul of Sattva. Their dedication, hard work, sincerity and skills contribute to the generation of our high-quality and absolute organic produce. Our farmers come from Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra states. Due to our business structure, our farmers receive better wages for their hard work, proving a win-win for both them and us.